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AKA ..... getting the maniacs to sit still

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


After looking at how pricey cute bookmarks are at the bookstore we decided we could do it ourselves. We had our handy dandy laminater, scrapbook paper, ribbon and beads. What more could you need.
Now let me tell you a little secret sometimes I think I'll make cute little posts with nice neat pictures of all the steps involved in a project....... but in reality let me show you what doing crafts with six kids looks like in our house.

 What you want to know what that huge pile is behind my child?? Well that's clean laundry that I haven't had time to put away.... how's that for keeping it real?
So you can see there was no opportunity for cute clean little step by step pictures. Honestly my school table is so covered in ummmm artwork that I couldn't take a nice photo on it if my life depended on it.

Anyways..... we managed to make a whole lot of bookmarks, have fun and didn't spend much. Although, I am thinking perhaps we got slightly carried away....

I'm thinking we have enough to share ;)

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