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AKA ..... getting the maniacs to sit still

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Maestro Classics Peter and the Wolf ** TOS Review **

We were blessed to receive a CD of Peter and the Wolf from Maestro Classics through The Old Schoolhouse.
This CD introduces your children not only to the story of Peter and the Wolf through a fantastic narrator but also to gorgeous music from the London Philharmonic Orchestra.
This CD includes (by track)
1.An Introduction
2.Peter & The Wolf (with narration)
3.About the Composer
4.A Russian Peter
5.About the Music
6. Peter and the Wolf (Instrumental only)
7. Invitation to Grandfather's Party
8. Kalinka (Dance Along)

The CD also comes with a 24 page educational booklet ( that my children promptly stole and LOST so I cannot say anything about that other than it looked fantastic for the 30.2 seconds I saw it). If my children ever find it I'll add some info about that to my review.

Peter and the Wolf is absolutely wonderfully done. The narrator has the perfect voice and the music is gorgeous and enchanting. We have and will listen to it over and over again. Everyone loves it from the two year old all the way up to Mom. The piece about the composer is interesting and very educational as well. One of my favorite features is on track 5 where it tells you which instruments are telling the stories of each animal. That bit of information really brought it to life for the kids. After learning about that you can really see the animals movements through the music. Honestly there's nothing about this I don't love.

.At $16.98 The CD's are very affordable although I must say I would love to see a slightly cheaper MP3 download so I can buy them ALL because I love them SO much.

Other titles available are
  • Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel – timeless classic story
  • Peter and the Wolf – every child should own this great work
  • Tortoise and the Hare – a very fun version of this tale
  • Juanita the Spanish Lobster – sassy and funny from an English composer
  • Swan Lake – some of Tchaikovsky's most beautiful music
  • Casey at the Bat – everybody loves baseball, right?
  • Sorcerer's Apprentice – magical story and exciting music
  • Juanita la langosta española – great for anyone speaking or studying Spanish

You can purchase Maestro Classics CD's Here. I obviously think you should go get one right now because they are fabulous!!

I received a free copy of Peter and the Wolf for my honest review of their product. Unfortunately I did not receive any other compensation but I would gladly take more CD's ;). ( Kidding but did I mention I love this)

See what my other crewmates thought Here


  1. I just linked over here from your old blog. I made that change, too. I'm having my first blog link up tomorrow- Tasty Tuesday and would love to have you share a recipe. http://glimpseofourlife.blogspot.com

  2. Hi Angel,

    Thanks for the wonderful review of our Peter and the Wolf CD this winter. I just wanted to let you know that since you reveiwed our CD we've made a Facebook page so that our fans can participate in monthly giveaways (June was Peter and the Wolf, as a matter of fact) and get coupons. We'd love to invite you and your readers to join our page and thanks again for the lovely review!

    Social Media Coordinator
    Maestro Classics


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